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Live Oak Public Libraries

Community Engagement

Libraries are committed to strengthening partnerships and increasing engagement
with agencies and organizations that align with our mission.


Savanna Waddle, Regional Social Services Coordinator

Connecting People with Resources

Community Engagement  |  Quality of Life

This is a space for you to make a community.

What services do you provide that people may not know about?

I think a lot of people are surprised by some of the things I do. One of the big things is helping with food stamp applications. I can help people get birth certificates. I’ve called and helped them through setting up appointments with Social Security offices.

So anything that I can actively do to help. I connect people with resources.

"I connect people with resources."

What is your favorite thing about the Library?

I love that it’s one of the last free resources. You just come as you are and this is for you – regardless of race, religion, income – this is a space for you to make a community.


What made you want to pursue the field of Social Work?

I was debating what I wanted to do, what groups I wanted to work with, and I had an internship with an organization that helps women transition out of sex trafficking. Everyone I was meeting had a social work degree and I realized they were working with people on the ground-level.

They were very kind – you didn’t have to come in with anything and that was something I really admired. I thought, that’s the kind of work I’d want to do.


Is there anything else you would like people to know?

I’m doing my very best to grow this social services program as much as I can, and if people are noticing a need or asking for things I can’t quite do, tell me about that… I want to build this position for what the community needs and the best way is to tell me what you need.

If I can make it happen, I’ll do my very best.

If a patron comes to me with a problem that's not in my scope, I want to make a warm hand off where I am helping them call and personally connect them with the right resource in our community.


If you or someone you know needs assistance, contact (912) 652-3617 or


~ Savanna Waddle
  Regional Social Services Coordinator


March 2023