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Live Oak Public Libraries

Community Engagement

Libraries are committed to strengthening partnerships and increasing engagement
with agencies and organizations that align with our mission.


image with books

Libraries Have Been My Life

Community Engagement  Lifelong Learning

I have always been a strong supporter of our public libraries.


How have libraries made a difference in your life?

My parents loved reading and we always had books. One of my aunts was a regional library director and she also made sure I had books in my life. I always went to the library when I was growing up. Many times, everyday it was open. It was not until I was in high school, and I was working as a student page at the library, that our local public library moved from a very small one-room building to a modern library.

When I went to college, I planned to be an elementary school teacher and minor in library science. After two years of teaching, I decided I wanted to be a school library media specialist. My philosophy has always been that the school media center or library is the largest classroom in the school. Thus, as media specialist or librarian, I would be the teacher for the entire school. I could reach everyone including the faculty.

As I progressed through my career, I served as an elementary school media specialist, middle school media specialist, high school media specialist, district-wide coordinator of library and technology services. I later became the head of reference, library director, and finally dean of libraries at Clayton State University in Morrow, Georgia. So, libraries have been my life!


Why were you interested in volunteering to serve on the library board?

I have always been a strong supporter of our public libraries. When I was a school library media specialist and later district-wide library and technology coordinator, I always had our public library director meet with our school library media specialists to discuss the benefits of working together. In 2000, I was asked by the library director if I would be interested in serving on the library board as the board of education representative. I accepted and served for 18 years, 15 as chair of the board.

When I moved to Chatham County in 2019, I felt somewhat lost without the connection to the public library, so I contacted the commissioner for my district, and he told me the process of volunteering. As a professional librarian, I believe I have a lot to offer the library board and I look forward to working with our other representatives.


Libraries are important because...

Libraries provide the public with information on all topics. Libraries also provide a safe place for individuals.

As libraries have changed during the last twenty years or so, they now provide the public with access to all types of technology. We have seen how the usage of libraries increased during the recession -- as being hubs for patrons to seek new jobs. There is something for everyone!

Thanks to the citizens of Chatham, Effingham, and Liberty Counties, our libraries are a gift to every citizen.


~ Gordon
  Chair, Regional Library Board of Trustees


August 22, 2022



Gordon was selected by Georgia Public Library Service as the 2019 Library Champion of the Year

He is also the 2021-2022 President of United for Libraries, ALA Division for Trustees, Friends, and Foundations.