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Live Oak Public Libraries

Early Literacy

Early literacy is a key component for reading readiness.
The library offers resources to promote the development of language and early learning skills.


A Love of Reading 1

An Encouraging Environment

Early Literacy

The Garden City Library and its staff members provided a safe and encouraging environment...


When my son was six months old, we became regulars for the Garden City Storytime. Our trips to the library were always fun and he enjoyed the stories, songs, crafts, special events, and especially the attention from the sweet library staff members. As he grew and aged-out of story time, we started attending the afterschool programs.


Patrick was a reluctant reader, but he loved reading to the dogs, Maya and Lucy. One book in particular was his bedtime favorite--and had been introduced to him by the children's librarian--and he was so excited to share this story with Maya.


The Garden City Library and its staff members provided a safe and encouraging environment and I truly believe these positive experiences have helped my son develop a love of reading.


~ Melanie F.
  Garden City Library Customer


April 13, 2021