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Live Oak Public Libraries

Interlibrary Loan

If you searched the PINES catalog and still haven't found what you are looking for, try Interlibrary Loan.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) works with libraries throughout the country to obtain items not held by Live Oak Public Libraries or other Georgia libraries in the PINES library network. Anyone with a Live Oak Public Libraries library card in good standing may submit requests for books and other items through ILL.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get help with an Interlibrary Loan request?
Call 912-652-3696 or e-mail

What are the associated fees?
For individuals: The cost is $2.00 for each item received plus any fees that the other lending library charges. In your request, please note the upper limit of the amount you are willing to pay for these extra fees.
For libraries: The cost is $5.00 for each item borrowed from Live Oak Public Libraries. This fee is waived for libraries within our resource sharing networks.
Other fees: Click here to see the complete Live Oak Public Libraries Fee Schedule.

How many requests can I place through Interlibrary Loan?
ILL requests are limited to ​6 per month per patron. Patrons will be notified when they have placed more than ​6 and asked which they would like placed immediately. Staff will either cancel the other requests or hold them to be submitted the next month. If requests are kept on hold until the next month, they will count towards that month's maximum number of requests.

What cannot be requested?
DVDs; entire issues of magazines; LPs/ vinyl records; Best Sellers; items in high demand; Course Books and Textbooks; items less than 14 months old. There are also certain items that may be difficult to obtain: audiobooks, music CDs, genealogical materials, and very old items. We can submit the request and may have success based on the specific item(s).

How long will it take to fill the request?
In most cases, items are ordered from lending libraries within 3-5 working days of receiving requests. The turnaround time for an item ordered on ILL depends largely upon the location of the lending library. Items obtained within Georgia usually take approximately 1-2 weeks to arrive. Items obtained from outside of Georgia take longer. Patrons are notified if it is not possible to fill a request by the date specified as "not needed after."

How will I be notified when my request is ready for pick-up?
Library staff will notify patrons when items are ready for pick-up at the requested library location. Please give a reasonable amount of time for lending libraries to respond and for items to be delivered (see above).

How long may I keep the item?
Items are received from the lending library with the date the item is due at that library. ILL does not set the due dates. Most items are renewable one time, upon approval of the lending library. All renewals should be requested at least 3 days prior to the due date to allow time for ILL staff to request a renewal from the lending library, which may or may not grant the renewal.

Are there any restrictions?
Some items will arrive with restrictions set by the lending library. Restrictions are generally of two kinds: "IN LIBRARY USE ONLY" (item may not leave the library) and "NO RENEWALS" (item may not be renewed, but must be returned by the original due date). ILL does not set these restrictions. The lending library sets the restrictions and Live Oak Public Libraries must follow them.

What is Live Oak Public Libraries Lending Policy?
We do not lend books less than two years old, audiobooks, music CDs, DVDs, genealogy items, entire issues of magazines, or reference materials.

What if I want to suggest a purchase?
Please use the Suggest a Purchase form.