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Live Oak Public Libraries

Quality of Life

Libraries help individuals achieve their personal goals while
working to strengthen our community’s collective goals.


Two children reading

An Amazing Experience

Quality of Life  |  Early Literacy

The staff is so incredibly nice and makes us feel like we are part of the library family.


We moved here about three years ago and visited the Southwest Chatham Library to attend a storytime class lead by Mrs. Melanie. The kids absolutely loved it and we met our first Savannah friends at this class. We've been going to the library almost every week since. The staff is so incredibly nice and makes us feel like we are part of the library family.


My favorite moment was when one of the librarians asked me if I had picked a certain book from her stack of recommendations (love this idea by the way). I had and so we started talking and it was such a wonderful emotional rollercoaster that left us both teary eyed but happy. I have never experienced any other library that provides such an amazing human experience.


We are so grateful you are here! Thank you for all your kindness, amazing books, classes, activities...etc. The list goes on!


~ Nina
   Southwest Chatham Library Customer


May 3, 2021