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Live Oak Public Libraries

Community Engagement

Libraries are committed to strengthening partnerships and increasing engagement
with agencies and organizations that align with our mission.


Erica Biezenbos, Effingham Board Chair

So Much More Than Books

Community Engagement  Quality of Life

I could not imagine our life without the Library.


How have libraries made a difference in your life?

There are few places I love as much as the Library. The Library has been a staple in our life since my girls were toddlers. What started as a tired mom looking for ways to keep active toddlers learning has blossomed into teenagers using the Library for things like learning Japanese or attending Anime Club.

Without the Library, my girls would have missed out on meeting new people, learning how to interact with different personalities and adults, educational activities, and, most importantly, a love of books.

There is no way I could replicate the learning experiences offered through the Library. Over the last 12 years, the Library has become so much more than books; it's become a safe place with familiar faces and staff that have become friends.

When my girls were little, they called the librarians secret super heroes and they really are. Librarians wear so many hats, including running impromptu mini book clubs full of wonderful recommendations, teaching people how to use computers, listening to kids tell the same story 100 times, being a cheerleader to the kid just learning to read, and so much more.


Why were you interested in volunteering to serve on the library board?

We are loyal Library patrons, so when an opportunity arose for me to become a member of the Library Board of Trustees, I was thrilled to serve in hopes of giving back to the Library that has given us so much.

I could not imagine our life without the Library. It's a magical place, not only because of the adventures in the books, but because of the librarians.


Libraries are important because...

The Library brings multiple groups within the community together providing integral services especially to underserved areas like the elderly and lower income families who all benefit greatly from having access to computers, printers, the online resources, and books.


~ Erica Biezenbos
  Chair, Effingham County Library Board


September 21, 2022