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Live Oak Public Libraries

Community Engagement

Libraries are committed to strengthening partnerships and increasing engagement
with agencies and organizations that align with our mission.


Dr. Brigid Nesmith posing before bookshelves at Rincon Library.

Opportunities to Improve Your Mind

Community Engagement

As a youngster I was encouraged to visit my local public library...


How have libraries made a difference in your life?

As a youngster I was encouraged to visit my local public library and to choose whatever books I wanted to read, a freedom that I loved. I still do.


Why were you interested in serving on the Library Board?

Since libraries are integral to my life, volunteering to serve on the library board is a perfect fit.


Libraries are important because...

Libraries are important because they are open to everyone and offer everyone opportunities - opportunities to improve your mind, to explore new ideas, to learn about the world, to meet people, and to fall in love with reading.


~ Marie Rozman
  Chatham County Library Board
  Regional Library Board of Trustees


July 5, 2023