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Live Oak Public Libraries

Quality of Life

Libraries help individuals achieve their personal goals while
working to strengthen our community’s collective goals.


Islands Library

The Fabric of My Life

Quality of Life  Lifelong Learning

We all recognized the library as a safe and stimulating place...


The library has been woven into the fabric of my life. Nearly 50 years ago, the bookmobile would arrive weekly to provide a young mother with storybooks for the children, non-fiction to help me learn the skills of keeping a home and parenting and the treasured fiction that carried me to far-flung places.


When I returned to the classroom as a teacher, Live Oak Public Libraries gathered materials to enrich the lessons. We borrowed cookbooks and recordings to plan international dinners to create a setting for friends gathering. Our children were guided in their studies by willing librarians and our aged parents were provided with large print materials so they could stay engaged with the world.


We all recognized the library as a safe and stimulating place where our minds and hearts were stretched, where civic information was available to keep us involved in our local government, where special programs are offered to our grandchildren and where help with technology and genealogy are freely given.

Seeing how the magic happens has shown me it is all about people, talented caring people reaching into every facet of our community to bolster the best of efforts and advance our quality of life.

Now, after a lifetime of taking advantage of the many things the library has to offer, I am able to give back a little by serving on the Board of Trustees. Seeing how the magic happens has shown me it is all about people, talented caring people reaching into every facet of our community to bolster the best of efforts and advance our quality of life. The jobs done with resilience during this unique year is a tribute to the director, leadership and staff who serve us all.


Thank you for holding the community together and supporting us as we find our way through this new setting!


~ Jo
   Islands Library Customer


April 27, 2021