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Live Oak Public Libraries

Quality of Life

Libraries help individuals achieve their personal goals while
working to strengthen our community’s collective goals.


The Extra Mile

Quality of Life

I am grateful for staff who will go the extra mile.


I am visiting Savannah from out of town this week and needed to use a rare book in the local history room. I arrived to discover the book had been off the shelf for a while for a trip to the bindery.


I am grateful for staff who will go the extra mile. I truly needed that book for my research and was thrilled to have access to it.


Although it would have been far easier to tell me that the book was simply unavailable, the kind librarian (Linda) took the time to open eight heavy boxes just in from the bindery. The book I needed was in the very last box, but she cheerfully opened them all to find it.


I am grateful for staff who will go the extra mile. I truly needed that book for my research and was thrilled to have access to it.


~ Valerie
   Bull Street Library Customer


March 10, 2022