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Live Oak Public Libraries

Community Engagement

Libraries are committed to strengthening partnerships and increasing engagement
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Building Bridges with Legos

Building Bridges with LEGOs

Community Engagement  |  Quality of Life

And with every delivery to the branch, the enthusiasm among the children grew...


I met Branch Manager Sandra McKiver at the W.W. Law Library in June of 2018.  My church, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, on Skidaway Island was reaching out to our neighbors the length of Waters Avenue to listen and learn from them on how to be good neighbors.


In the course of our conversation, Sandra mentioned that she had received a small grant and used some of the funds to buy a few LEGO sets.   Hugely popular, the children lined up to use them.  So expensive, there were just not enough to go around.


The population on Skidaway Island is filled with people whose children and grandchildren have outgrown their LEGO days.  It took but six days before we made our first small delivery.  A parish-wide call for more filled several cars full.  One parishioner reconstructed every donated set to make sure they were complete.  Others accompanied us to the library, including teenagers who handed theirs over like beloved treasures.


Word of the project got out and grandchildren started shipping us LEGOs.  And with every delivery to the branch, the enthusiasm among the children grew.

They know that you and your extended family care. You've helped build confidence in their own ability when they accomplish LEGO projects and, most importantly, they have been exposed to kindness and generosity up close - a lesson that I pray they will take with them in life and practice toward others.

As Ms. McKiver wrote, "The kids have benefited in so many ways...their social skills are improving greatly.  They are not as shy and reserved as they once were when we have an unfamiliar guest.  They know that you and your extended family care.  You've helped build confidence in their own ability when they accomplish LEGO projects and, most importantly, they have been exposed to kindness and generosity up close--a lesson that I pray they will take with them in life and practice toward others."


The children at W.W. Law Library jostled to show us what they had built, jumped up and down when there were so many that they got sets to take home, and posed for photos with their creations.  This Live Oak Libraries branch was filled with joy that spilled over into the lives of the givers.


There are more than 30 pounds of LEGOs waiting to be delivered to W.W. Law once we get the green light post-pandemic.  And this quiet year has given us time to think about what more might we do to build bridges between our communities.


~ Meredith W.
   W.W. Law Library Customer


April 3, 2021