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Live Oak Public Libraries

Book Donations

Live Oak Public Libraries welcomes donations of gently used books, DVDs, and audiobook CDs to support the Library’s collection and library partnerships with community organizations. Questions? Contact our Community Engagement team at 912.652.3613 or

We will accept

  • Books in good condition:
    Nonfiction (2 years old or newer) and Fiction (3 years old or newer)
  • Children's books
  • DVDs & audiobook CDs in good condition (no scuffs or scrapes)

We will NOT accept

  • Books in poor condition: moldy, dirty, smelly, ripped, torn, or otherwise unreadable or unusable
  • Encyclopedias
  • Textbooks
  • Magazines
  • Medical or legal materials
  • Music CDs

Library locations accepting book donations

Please deliver books inside libraries. Please do not leave items in book drops.

Gifts & Donation Policy

excerpt from the Collection Development Policy - 9.18.2018
Accepting gifts and donations is an important way for the public library to benefit from the generosity of the community it serves. Gifts and donations of materials are reviewed using the same criteria as purchases. The library reserves the right to dispose of any gifts that are given to the library. The library will determine how to best incorporate such materials into the existing collections. Materials not added to library collections may be used for programs or given to other organizations.

Funds may be given for the purpose of acquiring materials recommended by library staff as prescribed in this policy. When the library receives a cash gift for the purchase of materials, the library staff must make the selection with the general selection principles set forth in this policy.

The library accepts gifts with the understanding that the library may use or dispose of them as it determines is appropriate. The library does not provide evaluations or appraisals of gifts for tax deductions or other purposes. Acceptance of a gift that has been appraised elsewhere does not constitute the library's endorsement of that appraisal.

Thank you!


Community Bookshelf

Live Oak Public Libraries occasionally donates gently used materials to support community organizations as items are available.

For information, please contact our Community Engagement team at 912.652.3613 or